Why This Blog?

This blog came about as a result of my other wargaming blog This 28mm Life. Someone got confused about the 20mm scale I was using for WWII and pointed out that having 28mm in the title and then doing things in 20mm was weird.

I agree and have often considered this inconsistency. In case you don't know, it's because the original blog was created to chart my 28mm sculpting projects. It then morphed into my general wargaming blog. I'm going to try and link the two blogs so that the WWII posts over on "28mm" will appear here and any new posts here will also appear over there.

But, I'm not sure I know how to do that.

So This 20mm World at War will be dedicated to my WWII wargaming. Even though I haven't wargamed WWII very often for a long, long time it still remains my favorite period and now that I've found the rules and opponents, I intend to get very much back into Dubbya Dubbya Eye Eye.

Edit: I didn't realize that I created this blog and made this first post the day before the 80th anniversary of the start of WWII (1 Sept 1939). 

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