Thursday, November 7, 2019

Almost Done With These

I've been painting some odds and ends to finish off both my DAK and my single BEF platoon.

For the DAK I've added an assault pioneer section. These can be used for various games. In Battlegroup you can field a full pioneer platoon so I'm thinking that I can just spread these figures out with the regular troops to add a bit of a pioneer flavour.

As I was doing these figures I thought that they would be the last DAK I would need to paint. But then I remembered that I still need to do a few figures for a Kradschutzen (motorcycle) Section. Really, I don't need to do these but if I ever want to do a decent company sized DAK game and incorporate a motorcycle recce section, then I'm going to need them. If I ever want to do a full Kradschutzen platoon, I'll just use the regular figures but I'm gonna need another nine motorcycles!
 Also a flamethrower and mine clearance team.
 A 50mm mortar and a forward observer.
For my BEF I've added a couple of support elements. I'm still waiting on the arrival of some HQ elements and when I get them they should pretty much finish off a 1940 platoon for Blitzkrieg period games.

A Boys AT Rifle, a 2" mortar and a Lewis MMG.
And lastly, a set of PSC Opal Blitz for blitzkrieg period.


  1. Good additions! How did you weather the trucks? The panzer grey on my early war vehicles looks too dark. I would like to lighten them up like yours.

    1. Thanks Jonathan.
      I use a fairly large (size 5 or 6), cheap, soft brush. I ruin the point of the brush and make it fluffy. I then use the brush to dry-brush Game Colour khaki (76021) over the model. If I'm doing a desert vehicle I do the same but use Game Colour Bonewhite (72034).

      The brushes I use for dry-brushing are really cheap. I get a few sets of them from Aldi when they're on sale.

    2. Make that Game Colour khaki (72061).

  2. Looking excellent! I especially dig those Blitz trucks.

    1. Thanks Moiterei, I like them too. They are pretty basic but I like the effect.
