Sunday, November 17, 2019

It's the Little Things That Count...

Greetings again, I've had had a bit of a quiet weekend but I have managed to finish a few odd little odds & ends.
This first one is a special Jump Off Point (JOP) for Chain of Command. I was thinking about a Too Fat Lardies' pod cast or video where the idea of a JOP was mentioned as a point where it's safe to deploy with maybe a scout or directing officer pointing the way. I thought a JOP with a military policeman directing movements might look good. So here it is. It's only good for Germans but I might make a few others (I do have a couple of NKVD officer figures doing nothing). The figure and bike are from AB. The other piece is from Simon's Soldiers.
These two are from a kit with a variety of small vehicles. The kit might be Fujimi, but I'm not sure (it's up stairs and I'm downstairs and I'm too lazy to go and check). So my fallschirmjager have a kettengrad and my G.I's have an amphibious jeep. A DUKW-ling, if you will. The figures are all from AB.
And my BEF finally get a commander. I'm not sure about Battlegroup, but in CoC they have a lieutenant and a sergeant. The command figures are from Simon's Soldiers and the signalman is from Lancer Miniatures.
Just a few little additions to keep things going. 

The blog must flow!


  1. Excellent work all round! Like your idea for the JoP‘s.

    1. Thank you again Moiterei,
      I have a few other unusual figures and models that I'm thinking of using to make some more special JOP's.
