Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Western Desert Force Re-Basing

The rebasing continues and it's taking a lot of time. The reason for this is because I found that I didn't have as many troops painted as I thought I had. And the reason for that is because I shifted from playing Battlegroup to Chain of Command and I only needed a platoon plus a few extras to play CoC so I just didn't paint as many figures.

So I've had to paint a whole bunch of figures and, in many cases buy more figures which takes time (either waiting for open days at Eureka or waiting for the post). As it is, I've now finished the basic companies for most of my Germans and all of my British. There are still gaps that I could fill and I will, at sometime in the future.

Last night I finished my Western Desert Force/8th Army. They are 100% AB figures. Some of them are the very first AB 8th Army figures sold. When they were released at Little Wars, Melbourne I had my own display game so I was able to pick them up from Nic at Eureka before the place opened for business. I took them home painted them and put them on Facebook the next day. The first ones in the world!

Heavy Weapons: 3" mortars and Boys AT Rifles. I forgot to put out the Vickers MMG's when I was taking these photos but I have two of them painted and another unpainted.
The commanders are from the AB Allied Commander set. I just desertified them a bit.
Going through their transport today I found that I have a bunch of Universal Carriers that are/were for a carrier section. I'll have to get a few more of them as well as enough figures to fill out a carrier platoon. I have a bunch of painted Esci plastic's that can stand in for the time being.


  1. I love it. Made my 8th Army with plastic, but hey yours realy cool (as much as it can be by night at desert).

    1. Thanks Umpapa. I live close to Eureka Miniatures who make the AB figures so it's easy for me to get them. I need to have a game with them soon.
