Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Still Reducing the Plastic Hoard

Greetings Folks,
I'm still working on things and getting stuff made. I tend to get on to a subject and blitz it for two or three months at a time. At the moment it's WWII, and I can't see myself losing interest at the moment. Every time I play a game I get inspired to keep going. As far as I can recall it's going to be 28mm Pacific Chain of Command this weekend. Japan v's Australia. I'll be borrowing figures for this one.

But back to my own constructions...

I've made a variety of things over the past few days. Again, it's a bit for everyone (keeps me on my toes).

First a couple of Esci M3 75mm GMC's. One for the Brits and one for the US. This was a really nice & easy kit to make. Two models in the box with enough decals for two US or two British versions. So that leaves a nice bunch of extra decals for other things. But they need some crew which I'll get when I visit Eureka in two days time. I think I might get another set of these.

And, while were at it: The U.S. get a few more toys. A troop of M3 Halftracks from PSC. I have some more coming my way that I found going cheap online. And if necessary I can always sub Brit and US halftracks if I need to make up numbers.
A resin M4 76mm. This is a resin model that I picked up from Uncle Les at CANCON a few years back. It had a pretty rudimentary spray job so I decided to give it a repaint and add some decals.

And a little SdKfz 250/9 painted in dunkelgrau for 1939 - '41 Blitzkrieg era. This is also from Uncle Les. It's a 3D print and I believe it's one of his earliest efforts. It's a nice clean print but it's very lacking in detail. Otherwise, it's a nice little model that'll do the job.
And, I made sure those pesky Russian's didn't get left out this time around. They get this behemoth land-dreadnought - T-35. I added some figures to give it some scale but it didn't work out. The pic doesn't really give a true idea of the size of this thing. Even in 20mm - It's bloody huge.

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